
WSU Product Development Team places second at IMPA product development competition.

The Food Science Product Development Team earned more honors this year as they placed second place in the Idaho Milk Processors Association (IMPA) Product Development Competition. For the 27th annual IMPA contest, the WSU team submitted their product which they called “MoCheeze”. The product is a potato mochi that is filled with various flavors. The […]

MoCheeze Box

PHOTOS: School of Food Science congratulates graduates

Last week was a bittersweet one for the School of Food Science, as the School said goodbye to all their graduates. The SFS family said goodbye to 21 students. While we will certainly miss all our graduates, we are excited to see all of the things that they will accomplish.

Categories: General
Picture of SFS grads and family as well as Faculty

PHOTOS: Students attend 2023 WSU Food Science Industry Expo

This week, students from Washington State University, Cheney High School, and Shadle Park High School all attended the annual WSU School of Food Science Industry Expo held last week on April 24 and April 25. Throughout this time, students from the four schools were able to meet with members of the Food industry. They networked, […]

Categories: General
Industry Expert connecting with a WSU student.

Dr. Soo-Yeun Lee to deliver seminar about pursuing an academic career.

The Pullman Korean Presbyterian Church is hosting a seminar on pursuing an academic career and applying for such opportunities to successfully land on a faculty position. This is a part of the Community Giving series of the Pullman Korean Presbyterian Church. This seminar is geared toward any students at any academic levels, who may be […]

Preview of what Dr. Lee will be presenting on

PHOTOS: Food Science students share research at WSU Academic Events

Last week students within the WSU School of Food Science were represented at two separate research showcases. First was the Showcase for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities (SURCA). After that, there was the Graduate and Professional Student Association (GPSA) Research Exposition. SFS Students at SURCA Hallie Simpson SFS Students at GPSA Research Exposition Ipek Aktuna […]

Gabriely Maria Soncin Alfaro discussing her research.

Dr. Edwards announces retirement

After over 30 years of working as a Food Scientist at Washington State University’s School of Food Science, Dr. Charles Edwards announced that he will be retiring. Dr. Edwards began his journey to Pullman at his family vineyard in the San Joaquin Valley of California. It was at his family vineyard that he learned hard […]

Categories: General
Photo of Dr. Edwards smiling in his office.

PHOTOS: WSU Product Development Team earns second place at ASB Baking Competition

After a lot of hard work developing a baked good for the American Society of Baking (ASB) competition, the Washington State School of Food Science Product Development Team saw their efforts come to fruition when it was announced that they finished second in the competition. The baked good that the team created was a brownie […]

Categories: General
Josh Bernin, Bryan Pepito Michael, and Elizabeth Nalbandian standing in front of the banner for the event.

2023 School of Food Science T-Shirt Design Contest

Timeline The T-Shirt design contest for the new 2023 SFS T-Shirt will run from March 2nd, 2023, until April 7th. During this time, we are asking students, faculty, and staff within the School of Food Science to submit their designs for a school t-shirt. Submission Location Designs can be submitted here! T-Shirt Design The crimson […]

A photo of the crimson t-shirts draft with the back open.

WSU School of Food Science welcomes Dr. Soo-Yeun Lee

The Food Science department started the new year strong with the arrival of Dr. Soo-Yeun Lee as the new director. January 1 marks the much-anticipated start of new director Soo-Yeun Lee. Dr. Lee joins the Food Science department in Pullman with over 20 years of experience within Food Science and Human Nutrition. “I want to […]

A photo of Dr. Soo-Yeun Lee

Dr. Girish Ganjyal details busy week in India

This week has been a busy one for Dr. Girish Ganjyal, as he traveled to India to speak on behalf of Washington State University and the food science department. Over the course of a week, Dr. Ganjyal took part in two different seminars in India with his focus being on pulse proteins. “These connections, interactions, […]