Consumer Food Safety Specialist, Assistant Professor

- Ph.D., Environmental Sciences (Microbiology emphasis) University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, 2014
- M.S., Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID, 2008
- B.S., Microbiology, Idaho State University, Pocatello, ID, 2004
Professional Experience
- 2016-present Assistant Professor, WSU School of Food Science
- 2015-present Assistant Professor/Consumer Food Safety Specialist, WSU Extension, Washington State University, Pullman, WA
- 2014-2015 Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Food Science, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID
- 2004-2014 Research Assistant, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID
- 2017-present Produce Safety Alliance Produce Safety Rule Training Lead Trainer
- 2017-present ServSafe Instructor and Proctor
- 2017-present Better Process Control School Instructor
- 2016-present FSPCA Preventive Controls for Human Food Lead Instructor
Grants and Contracts
- Food Safety Modernization Act: Workshops and Extension for Washington State Tree Fruit Growers. WSDA ($450,292) (2019-2020) PI: Critzer, F. Co-I: Smith, S., Ganjyal, G.
- A primer to the Produce Safety Rule for Small and very Small Farms in Washington State. USDA NIFA. ($149,999). (2018-2021) PI: Smith, S.
- Food Safety Modernization Act: Workshops and Extension for Washington State Tree Fruit Growers. WSDA ($451,532) (2018-2019) PI: Critzer, F. Co-I: Smith, S., Ganjyal, G.
- Supplemental Produce Safety Rule Educational Materials for Washington Growers. WSDA. ($221,029) (2018) PI: Smith, S.
- Sustainable High-Value Horticulture and Processing Systems in Washington State: Research and Extension Experiences for Undergraduates. USDA NIFA. ($299,999) PI: Collins, D.; Co-PI’s: Carpenter-Boggs, L.; Ewing, B., Ganjyal, G., Kruger, C., Lewis, L., Smith, S. (2017-2020)
- Characterization of Microbial Contaminants on Mars2020 and Evaluation of Current Bioburden Reduction Measures. NASA ROSES. ($150,000). P.I. Smith, S.; Co-PI’s: Childers, S.E. and J.N. Benardini III. (2017-2018)
- FSMA Related Food Safety Education and Outreach for Hard-to-Reach Audiences in the PNW. USDA-NIFA. ($400,000) P.I.: Kim, J.H.; Co-P.I.’s: Smith, S., Dinstrell, R., Santamaria, L., Agenbroad, A., Claycomb, D. (2016-2019)
- Food Safety Training and Education for Small Producers and Value-Added Food Processors. WSDA Specialty Crop. ($229,733) P.I.: Ganjyal, G.; Co-P.I.’s: Smith, S., Rasco, B. (2016-2019)
- Development of New Food Processing Models for Home Food Preservation. WSU CAHNRS Internship. ($2,500). PI: Smith, S. (2016 for Spring 2017)
- Assessing Food Safety Needs Across the State of Washington. WSU CAHNRS Internship. ($2,500). PI: Smith, S. (2016)
- Evaluating Microbial Hardiness and Archiving of Isolates from NASA’s Next Generation Lander. NASA ROSES (Planetary Protection). ($100,000). P.I.: Smith, S. Co-P.I.’s: Paszczynski, A., Benardini, J.N., Childers, S. (2015-2017)
- Determining Perchlorate Utilization by Microbes under High Salt Concentrations. Idaho Space Grant Research Seed Grant. ($25,000). PI: Smith, S., Co-P.I.: Paszczynski, A. (2015-2016)
- Pietrysiak E., S. Smith, G. Ganjyal. (2019) Food Safety Interventions to Control Listeria monocytogenes in the Apple Packing Industry: A Review. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. (doi: 10.1111/1541-4337.12496)
- McFarland, P., A. Checinska Sielaff, B. Rasco, S. Smith (2019) Efficacy of Food Safety Training in Commercial Food Service. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. (doi: 10.1111/1750-3841.14628)
- Checinska Sielaff, A. and S.A. Smith (2019) Habitability of Mars: How Welcoming Are the Surface and Subsurface to Life on the Red Planet? Geosciences. 9(9): 361.
- Smith, S.A., M. Rachmat, R. Beck, A. Checinska Sielaff. (2018) Assessing Consumer Food Safety Education Needs Across the State of Washington: Implications for Nationwide Extension Programming. Journal of Food Safety. (
- Smith, S., S. Craig, S. Cummins. (2018) A Guide for Parents: Keeping Your Children Safe at Fairs and Petting Zoos. Accepted.
- Smith, S.A. and R. Beck (2018) Proper Egg Handling: From Farm or Grocery Store to Table. PNW Publication.
- Smith, S.A. and R. Beck (2018) There Are Dangers Lurking in Your Flour. PNW Publication.
- Al-Qadiri, H., S. Smith, A. Checinska Sielaff, B. Govindan, M. Ziyaina, N. Al-Alami, B. Rasco. (2018) Bactericidal activity of neutral electrolyzed water against Bacillus cereus and Clostridium perfringens in cell suspensions and artificially inoculated onto the surface of selected fresh produce and polypropylene cutting boards. Food Control. 96:212-218
- Smith, S.A., I.G. Medina-Meza, and G. Ganjyal (2017) Peaches: Value-Added Food Products. WSU Extension Technical Bulletin.
- Smith, S.A. and R. Beck (2017) What you need to know about Botulism and canned foods. WSU Extension Factsheet.
- Smith, S.A., J.N. Benardini III, D. Anderl, M. Ford, E. Wear, M. Schrader, W. Schubert, L. DeVeaux, A. Paszczynski, and S.E. Childers (2017) Identification and Characterization of Early Mission Phase Microorganisms Residing on the Mars Science Laboratory and Assessment of Their Potential to Survive Mars-like Conditions. Astrobiology. 17(3):253-265
- Smith, S.A., J.N. Benardini III, J.L. Strap, and R.L. Crawford (2009) Diversity of Aerobic and Facultative Alkalitolerant and Halotolerant Endospore Formers in Soils from the Alvord Basin, Oregon. Systematic and Applied Microbiology. 32(4):233-44