Graduate Student Education

Group of students in an office setting.
Group of four students wearing purple balloons to look like grapes.

Getting a graduate degree in the School of Food Science at WSU under the guidance of Dr. Carolyn Ross is a rewarding and valuable experience. Based on the philosophy of Dr. Ross of providing students with skills sets for success, all graduate student research projects possess three elements:

  • Sensory component: This may be a trained panel or consumer panel, selecting from a complement of methods… whichever method answers the research question
  • Analytical/instrumental component: Methods range from the analysis of flavors/aromas (volatile compounds), taste compounds (non-volatile compounds), nutrient analysis, compositional analysis, physical analysis
  • Experimental design and statistics: The sensory and analytical/instrumental data sets are brought together with a firm grounding in these important areas

In addition to this independent research project, you will gain valuable experience in an active sensory evaluation facility, working directly with industry clients and other collaborators.

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