Working with the WSU Sensory Science Center

If you’re looking to enlist the expertise of the WSU Sensory Science Center for your sensory study or instrumental analysis, we’re here to help! Simply reach out to Carolyn Ross via email to express your interest.

Upon receiving your email, we’ll promptly arrange a meeting to delve into your research needs and questions. Following this initial consultation, we’ll provide you with a customized quote for the sensory or instrumental work required, along with detailed study notes.

Once you give us the green light, we’ll proceed to schedule the sensory panel or analysis, diving deeper into the specifics.

For sensory panel studies, we collaborate closely with you to craft screening questionnaires and sensory ballots, utilizing the Compusense platform for survey design. We’ll also handle logistics regarding sample amounts and shipment.

On the day of the panel, we document the proceedings with photos for inclusion in the final report. Throughout the testing process, we’ll keep you informed with regular updates. After the sensory panel concludes, we’ll promptly deliver the raw data. Within just 5 working days, you can expect to receive the comprehensive report.

For instrumental testing, the process is similar. After an initial meeting with Carolyn Ross, we’ll provide a tailored quote and study notes. Once approved, we’ll swiftly kick off the necessary work.

Contact us

Accessibility and Turnaround Time

The WSU Sensory Science Center operates year-round, excluding university holidays. Typically, slower periods for sensory panels fall in January/February and September, offering increased availability during these times.

Depending on the center’s workload and with proper human subjects’ approval, a panel can be scheduled and executed in approximately three weeks, although a preferred window of at least six weeks is recommended.

Participant Recruitment

We engage both consumer and trained panelists through various channels, including our listserv with over 2000 members in the Pullman-Moscow area, social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn, as well as the WSU CAHNRS website, WSU Announcements, and Pullman Radio. Our diverse pool of consumer participants spans an age range of 18-82 years, with a mix of genders and purchasing habits. For new products, we may conduct initial surveys to gauge interest.

During recruitment, participants are provided with detailed information about the product under study, time commitment, incentives, and screening criteria. Interested individuals are directed to our Compusense sensory software to sign up for panel slots.

Trained panels of 8-10 highly experienced panelists are available to profile foods and beverages. The trained panelists participate in a minimum of 6 hours of training (depending on the number of attributes), with training feedback and calibration provided to ensure that panelists are aligned with the sensory attributes and intensity. These panelists then profile test products in replicate, with all data analyzed using appropriate statistical methods.


We offer incentives to all participants, including Ferdinand’s Ice Cream Shoppe vouchers for local participants and gift cards for those outside the area.

Researcher preparing samples for an on-site sensory evaluation panel.

Amount of Sample Required

Sample amounts vary based on the task and product, with a typical consumer testing guideline of ~30 mL for beverages and ~10 g for food per participant. We work with clients to identify the sample amount required but an overage of 10% is requested.

Screener and Ballot Review

We collaborate closely with clients to develop screening questionnaires and ballots using Compusense Sensory software, providing clients with PDF documents and links for review and approval.

Reports and Pricing

Upon completion of sensory work or instrumental analysis, a comprehensive report is prepared within five working days, outlining methods, results, participant profiles, and any pertinent photos. Pricing is tailored to the specific task and sensory panel type, with quotes provided after an initial meeting with Carolyn Ross.

Shipping Instructions

Samples should be received by WSU at least two weeks prior to the scheduled sensory panel date.

For further inquiries or to initiate collaboration, feel free to get in touch with us at the WSU Sensory Science Center.

If you use FedEx:

School of Food Science
Attention: Carolyn Ross
Food Science and Human Nutrition Building,
Room 106
Washington State University
Pullman WA 99164-6376

*Please note that FedEx knows where our building is the parcel is brought directly to our building. Otherwise, the parcel goes through Central Receiving and Delivery and may take an extra day to arrive.

If you go through another shipper, this is the address:

School of Food Science
Attention: Carolyn Ross
Food Science and Human Nutrition Building
Room 106
Washington State University
100 Dairy Road
Pullman WA 99164-6376

Street Address:
School of Food Science,
Attention: Carolyn Ross
Food Science and Human Nutrition Building,
Room 106
1945 Ferdinand’s Ln
Pullman, WA 99164-6376